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State of the Church

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State of the Church

January 10, 2016

The State of the Church 2016

Series: State of the Church Topic: Default Passage: Joshua 24

January 3, 2016

Three Indispensables of David's Night Psalm

Series: State of the Church Topic: Default Passage: Psalm 8

November 8, 2015

Forgiven Forgivers

Speaker: Dr Doug Finkbeiner Series: State of the Church Topic: Default Passage: Matthew 18:21–35

September 29, 2015

The Ugly Truth

Series: State of the Church Topic: Default Passage: Luke 19

August 23, 2015

Foot Washing

Series: State of the Church Topic: Default Passage: John 13

May 17, 2015

The Ministry of Discipleship

Series: State of the Church Topic: Default Passage: Luke 20

May 10, 2015

A Mother's Worldview

Series: State of the Church Topic: Default Passage: 1 Samuel 2:1–2:11

May 3, 2015

Blood Red Men

Series: State of the Church Topic: Default Passage: Ephesians 3

April 19, 2015


Series: State of the Church Topic: Default Passage: Colossians 1:1–1:14

February 15, 2015

The Ministry of the Church

Series: State of the Church Topic: Default Passage: Acts 2:42–2:47

February 8, 2015

The Ministry of The Believer

Series: State of the Church Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12–12:27