Having been led by the Grace of God to repent and believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, and on our profession of faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we now, relying on His gracious aid, and understanding Harvest’s beliefs, purpose, structure, and lifestyle, seriously and joyfully commit ourselves to covenant with each other in this local body of Christ.
We will faithfully attend worship to promote the growth of the church and ourselves while bringing glory to God. Also, we will have personal and family devotional time in God’s word and prayer in order to grow in Christ and walk in His will.
We will work and pray for the unity of the church in the Spirit of Christ. We will pray for each other, especially the leaders who serve and for others in need.
We will fellowship with each other by spending time, giving aid, and sharing life together. We will rejoice at each other’s happiness and give tenderness and sympathy during distress to bear each other’s burdens.
We will walk together in Christian love, as members of a Christian Church, exercising affectionate care and attention over each other and faithfully admonish, edify, and encourage one another as occasions may require. We will avoid all actions and talk that would not demonstrate Christian love, but handle conflicts according to God’s directions and grace, being ready to ask for and give forgiveness, slow to take offense, and being ready to reconcile without delay, mindful of the rules of our Savior.
We will rear those God has placed in our care, either our children or others, in the training and instruction of the Lord and by living as an example so that they may seek salvation in Christ.
We will seek, by the Holy Spirit’s aid, to live carefully in the world, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, and remembering that as we have been voluntarily buried in baptism and raised again from the symbolic grave, so there is on us a special obligation to lead a new and holy life.
We will work together for the faithful evangelical ministry in this church, as we worship, disciple, minister, and witness. We will seek to invite others to know Jesus Christ personally and join us in this body of Christ.
We will help the ministry of this church by growing in maturity in Christ, being willing to learn, to be trained, to discover God’s gifts, and to work at the ministry in which God places us for the growth of this church.
We will give cheerfully, regularly, and sacrificially of our incomes and possessions to support the ministry and expenses of the church, to give relief to those in need, and for the spread of the Gospel in all nations.
We will as soon as possible, if we move from this place, unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.