Harvest Baptist Church believes that as a local body of believers, we have a responsibility not only to reach our own community with the gospel of Jesus Christ, but the world at large as well.
To this end, we set apart 10% of our weekly offerings for missions beyond our local fellowship.
Part of this support is directed through the cooperative giving program of the Eastern Baptist Association, the Baptist Convention of Maryland and Delaware, and the Southern Baptist Convention. A portion is spent in local missions, currently Free English Salisbury. In the past, we have supported Chesapeake Housing Mission, as well as HALO and the Christian Shelter. The remainder and majority of our donations are distributed to missionaries we support directly, most often missionaries who have a direct connection with Harvest or one of our members.
Who We Support
When considering which missionaries to support, we look at three criteria:
• Cross cultural ministry. Going outside the culture that we are a part of and reaching those who are different than ourselves.
• Crossing linguistic boundaries. Going to a group that does not share our native tongue.
• Crossing geographic boundaries. Leaving the confines of our native land.
We believe that the Lord would have us prioritize missionaries that are doing two of these three things. We believe that embracing these priorities will enable us to do the most good with limited resources.
Presently Harvest supports missionaries in Bible translation work, church planting, and pioneer mission work among unreached people groups. Currently, Harvest is partnering with seven unique individuals and couples in the mission field.